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City set to accept Cariboo fire evacuees

Following a rash of forest fires in the Cariboo that led to a provincial state of emergency, Prince George has activated its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and is preparing for evacuees from the Cariboo Regional District.

An emergency reception centre has been set up in the gymnasium at the College of New Caledonia, which is located along Highway 97 just north of the intersection with Highway 16. Evacuees are requested to register at the reception centre. Assistance is available there with regards to accommodation and lodging right on site, as well as emergency food and medical services. The college campus also has some room for RVs and trailers in the west parking lot.

“Prince George is responding and preparing to help our neighbours from the Cariboo,” said Mayor Lyn Hall. “Residents of Prince George who want to help can simply help to direct visitors who have been evacuated to the emergency reception centre at CNC. The reception centre itself does not need donations from residents at this time.”


Information about emergency operations in the Cariboo Regional District is available online at

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