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Conifex elects directors

Conifex Timber elected a slate of eight directors at the company’s annual general meeting Wednesday.

Elected as directors are: Ken Shields, Dave Roberts, George Malpass, Jim Jia, Michael Costello, Pat Bell, Tim Reed, and Janine North.

Conifex and its subsidiaries’ primary business currently includes timber harvesting, reforestation, forest management, sawmilling logs into lumber and wood chips, and value added lumber finishing and distribution. Conifex’s lumber products are sold in the United States, Chinese, Canadian and Japanese markets. Conifex has expanded its operations to include bioenergy production following the commencement of commercial operations of its power generation facility at Mackenzie, British Columbia.

Earnings in the first quarter of 2017 were $6.1 million, compared to $9.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2016 and $6.8 million in the first quarter of 2016. Compared to the previous quarter, lumber declined by $1.0 million and bioenergy  by $1.6 million. Compared to the first quarter of 2016, lumber  improved by $0.6 million and bioenergy declined by $1.4 million.

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