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Teegee encourages people to get out and vote

Carrier Sekani Tribal Chief Terry Teegee
Carrier Sekani Tribal Chief Terry Teegee

Terry Teegee didn’t vote in the 2013 provincial election.

It’s different this time around.

The Carrier Sekani Tribal Chief voted in the advance polls on Thursday and encouraged everyone to get out and vote on May 9. He was buoyed by the fact there are several First Nations candidates running for all parties in this provincial election and said getting involved is how First Nations can effect change.

“I think it’s a good thing to create change within party politics,” he said while moderating an all-candidates forum at the Prince George Friendship Centre. “Whether it’s inside or outside policy making or governance, we have to make change for our people. We’ve tried it far too long just being on the outside and create change.”

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