When Premier Clark assumed office BC’s debt was $45.1b or $9.9k/capita. Today? $13.9k, up 40%. READ MORE:https://t.co/VZjlUNpgWq #bcpoli pic.twitter.com/fmFfUZ7QRq
— IntegrityBC (@INTEGRITYBC) February 21, 2017
Christy Clark hopes you’ll forget it was the Supreme Court that forced her to invest in classrooms & public education. #bcpoli #newwest
— Judy Darcy (@DarcyJudy) February 22, 2017
Nearly $1 billion going back to BC families with a 50% reduction in MSP premiums. #BCBudget pic.twitter.com/F9PFs72HQc
— Christy Clark (@christyclarkbc) February 22, 2017
Reminder: #BCLiberals regularly INCREASED #MSP premiums. This ‘cut’ still leaves us only prov paying this kind of tax. #BCBudget #bcpoli
— Angela Mudge (@angelmud) February 22, 2017
When you peel this #BCBudget back, it’s clear the BC Liberals truly do have a war on the poor. #bcpoli
— Jane Doe (@ausername) February 22, 2017
MCFD will use new $45M to hire 120+ #CYMH workers in BC https://t.co/Yboip5IS4M #mentalhealth #BCBudget2017
— Stephanie Cadieux (@Stephanie4BC) February 20, 2017
Further investments in affordable housing and services for children and families…#BCBudget2017
— Debra Fawcett (@AscensuCoaching) February 22, 2017
First Nations Summit encouraged by Provincial Budget commitments on Children and Families. #bcbudget2017 #bcpoli @UBCIC @BCAFN @RCYBC pic.twitter.com/oME7KELCGy
— First Nations Summit (@FNSummit) February 21, 2017