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Regional district board highlights

Valemount seeks boundary extension

The Village of Valemount will partner with the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George in starting a Governance and Boundary Extension Process.

This process will evaluate various options to include or exclude the base area of the proposed Valemount Glacier Destination Resort within the jurisdiction of the Village of Valemount.

The first step in this process is to generate a study that would determine the general benefits, risks and responsibilities in relation to a municipal boundary extension that would encompass the Valemount Glacier Destinations Resort within the jurisdiction of the Village of Valemount.

The study will identify benefits and costs of different boundary extension configurations and will also evaluate potential impacts that the proposed project may have on the community.

Lobbying for resource roads

The regional district will forward a resolution to North Central Local Government Association calling for it and the UBCM to lobby the provincial government to work with communities and stakeholders to identify key resource roads that are no longer required for industrial use and designate these roads as recreational roads that require provincial oversight and funding for ongoing maintenance in support of the backcountry recreation tourism industry and other critical agricultural, commercial, educational and emergency uses.

Regional district celebrates 50 years

The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George was incorporated on March 8, 1967, making this the regional district’s 50th anniversary.

The anniversary celebrations will kick off on March 8 with a reception for current and former directors, staff, volunteers and other dignitaries. Other special initiatives to commemorate the anniversary will be announced in March.

Call before you build

As a result of an increasing number of variance applications being received after a structure has been constructed, the regional district is reminding builders that the time to apply for variance and development permits is before construction begins.

Within the Regional District development (land alterations and building) is governed by land use and building regulations.

Zoning establishes standards for development and building inspections ensures the health, safety and protection of persons and property by confirming that buildings and their systems generally conform to relevant bylaws, the BC Building Code and other applicable standards.

To ensure that your development plans meet Regional District land use and building regulations you are encouraged to contact regional district personnel to discuss your development prior to any works started.

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