The Prince George Crime Stopper Society honoured local police officers today as part of Crime Stopper Month activities.
One police officer and a watch have made extra efforts to support the program over the last year and have been recognized by the local not-for-profit society. This year marks the fifth annual presentation of these awards.
Officer of the Year
Constable Derek Rondeau is the 2016 recipient of the Prince George Crime Stoppers Officer of the Year Award. Over the past year, Const. Rondeau’s dedication and experience led to dozens of charges as a result of following up on Crime Stopper TIP information. Const. Rondeau is a hard-working member of the General Duty Section at the Detachment since transferring from the Fort St. James Detachment in early 2016.
General Duty Watch of the Year
General Duty officers are the uniform members that respond to calls for service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Prince George General Duty Section is divided into four equal ‘Watches’, known simply as ‘A’ Watch, ‘B’ Watch, ‘C’ Watch and ‘D’ watch.
The 2016 Prince George Crime Stopper Watch of the Year has been awarded to ‘D’ Watch, led by Staff Sergeant Carlos Tettolowski. This is the first time ‘D’ Watch has won the award since Crime Stoppers began handing out the award in 2012. Crime Stopper TIPS that were investigated by ‘D’ Watch members, have led to more arrests and charges in 2016 than any other Watch.