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What to do with the Four Seasons Pool?

Remember when there was a fountain outside the Four Seasons Aquatic Centre?

Hasn’t been there for quite a while, has it? I’ll bet a lot of people in the city either didn’t know or had forgotten there was a fountain there. It was a Centennial project, built in 1967.

The pool was built in 1970, not that long after. The fountain has been gone for quite a few years. (And no wonder. A fountain in downtown Prince George? Not perhaps the greatest way to mark the Centennial.)

So it’s no wonder the pool is one of the buildings city council is being told needs to be replaced.

Unfortunately, the same report to council also said the Four Seasons and the Aquatic Centre are both needed to meet the needs of residents.

So how do you replace a pool that you need to keep in operation? The simplest answer, and the one council will probably end up choosing, is you build a new pool somewhere else, get it up and running, and then tear down the Four Seasons.

I’m not going to get into the question of where the new pool should be, although Coun. Jillian Merrick and I agreed Monday morning on After Nine, the show I host three days a week on CFIS-FM, that the current site of Fire Hall No. 1 (also due to be replaced) was probably too small.

Nor am I really going to get into the question of what should go on the site of the current Four Seasons. All I will say is it should not be a commercial building. That area is home to a variety of cultural buildings, let’s not spoil it.

And get used to this sort of discussion. A lot of the city’s main buildings are getting old. Some can be kept with minor upkeep; others will need to be replaced.

All will cost money.

And all that money comes, eventually, from the same person – the taxpayer.

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