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Snow clearing continues

City crews continue with plowing and sanding trucks operating on priority one and priority two routes in all areas of the city yesterday.

Graders and loaders were be operating in the green zone as per the garbage collection map

Sidewalk machines will continue to clear walks throughout the bowl area.

Crews are working 24 hours a day and operations will continue.

Motorists are asked to use caution around snow and ice control equipment. 

 Yesterday crews worked to clear the downtown area, which is a priority one zone, as well as routes in the Hart neighbourhood and the green zone.

Following recent heavy snowfall, the city’s snow fleet was mobilized along with contracted equipment to achieve levels of service outlined in Council’s Snow and Ice Control Procedure. This procedure categorizes the City’s 670km of roads and 184km of sidewalks into three priority groups:

Priority One – main arterial roads, the downtown, priority hills, and the hospital district. These will be cleared within 48 hours of the end of a snow event.

Priority Two – all bus routes that are not arterial roads and all commercial/industrial roads. To be cleared within 48 hours of the end of a snow event.

Priority Three – all residential roads and lanes. Cleared with 72 hours after priority twos are complete.

The priority number for each road in Prince George is presented on the City’s website. Refer to this webpage for information.

Alternatively, note that snow information is available from the City’s homepage at Residents can sign up for snow-clearing updates on the City’s eNotify system which can also be accessed on the City’s website.

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