Canadians thought 2016 was a bad year for their country and the world, and they’re not especially hopeful that 2017 will be better.
This, according to a new public opinion poll from the Angus Reid Institute, which finds Canadians more likely to say they expect 2017 to be a bad year for Canada than a good one. Similarly, and perhaps relatedly, a majority of Canadians think the year ahead will be a bad one for their neighbours to the south.
Canadians feel more negatively than positively about the 2017 prospects of their provinces, their country, and the rest of the world, but among these dark outlooks – a glimmer of light: they’re more likely to expect a good year than a bad one when it comes to their own personal lives.
Key Findings:
Overall, Canadians tend to be more positive about what they expect for 2017 than what they experienced in 2016, though those who think the year will be bad outnumber those who think it will be good on almost all counts
Residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and Alberta are overwhelmingly pessimistic about the coming year in their provinces, while Manitobans and British Columbians are more likely to anticipate a good year than a bad one.
Canadians are twice as likely to say the new year will be good for them, personally (43 per cent), than to say it will be bad (18 per cent)
Link to the full article here: