The City of Prince George has activated a level-one emergency operations centre (EOC) due to continued ice build-up on the Nechako River near the confluence with the Fraser. Emergency Management BC has been notified.
Crews with the Prince George Fire-Rescue Service and City of Prince George have been monitoring river levels around the clock and have observed an increase in the water levels in the final two kilometres of the Nechako River leading up to the confluence.
Cottonwood Island Park remains open at this time, but residents are advised to use caution all along River Road. A section of the Heritage River Trail from the Cameron Street Bridge to Kiwanis Park near the boat launch remains closed to the public.
Yesterday morning, river flow levels were estimated at 200 cubic metres per second, which is about twice the normal flow for this time of year.
Residents are advised to monitor local news outlets for updates and to follow the City of Prince George on Facebook.com/cityofpg and Twitter at @CityofPG for the latest news.